
idea for a story:  A woman is offered $100,000 from a mysterious person/organization to write an Op Ed piece for the New York Times about why Sinead O’Connor is the greatest recording artist of the past 100 years.

idea for a poem/essay:  Comparing Michael from the Office to Biggie Smalls.

idea for song/rap/story: Learn more about the life/interior world of someone who portrayed a cop in the video for NWA’s ‘Straight Outta Compton’.

idea for a story:  A man looks back at the past two and a half weeks of his life, during which he ate at Chili’s several times a week, on account of having received a gift card.

idea for a story:  A man involved in protesting the Iraq war in 2003 becomes increasingly obsessed with protesting the group ANSWER’s role in organizing major demonstrations, then becomes obsessed with critiquing Todd Gitlin’s NPR appearance critiquing ANSWER’s role in the anti-war movement.

idea for a rap called ‘1999’: Two white, male thirty-something MCs look back at life, over ten years earlier.  The first tells a tale of drunkenly playing pool after being fired from a dot com job after the bubble burst, then drunkenly (and successfully) demanding a sweeter severance package.  The second MC recalls one twenty-four hour period during which he answered the on-call beeper for his human service job, worked on video projections for an indie-rock band with his brother at Hampshire college, and attended the memorial service of a relative who died from complications from AIDS.

idea for poem:  A collection of reviews(poems) of wikipedia pages (i.e. a review of the page for the actor who portrayed Boner on Growing pains.)

About Mavis

My name is not really Mavis. This blog is a search party for what really moves me. It's not that I have no ideas about that, but I'm fickle about committing my energies to a long-term goal, at least when it's not tied to a group effort. I'm concerned about ocean acidification and climate change in general. I'm interested in how communities work, from physical and economic structures to decision-making, to arts, culture, and beliefs. I'm interested in how change happens on small and grand scales and from time to time try to help make it happen. I suspect if I wrote fiction it would be science fiction, though I'm not an aficionado (more an admirer). I believe the class system is unjust, but am doubtful of planned economies and utopias in general (though I'm emotionally attracted to utopias). I think I could write some really good songs and have written several fairly good ones. I wonder why I don't do this more. I want to direct. I don't take much for granted, at least not consciously. I'm a working parent with a life partner. I've heard that Aries start their sentences with "I" more than most people.
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1 Response to ideas

  1. Ben Ross says:

    These ideas rule! I’m drawn to the two MCs idea the most, maybe because there’s something about a melancholy rap that especially rouses my curiosity. You’ve set yourself some tall orders in all these ideas, I’d say. How does the person justify thinking that Sinead O’Connor is the best recording artist of the past 100 years, for example? I actually like Sinead O’Connor’s music (though I haven’t really heard it that much) but I mean, better than the Night Rider guy’s recording career after he left that show and before he started Bay Watch? I mean, THAT GUY??? He’s so good I forget his name. Oops, I gotta run! Write!!!

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