September 10 – 12

My daughter fell down the stairs.

My friends were a bit late arriving.

A wine glass broke in the dishwasher.

The honey.  The apples and honey.

I’ve lived my life in fear.

The honey.  The honey eater.

About Mavis

My name is not really Mavis. This blog is a search party for what really moves me. It's not that I have no ideas about that, but I'm fickle about committing my energies to a long-term goal, at least when it's not tied to a group effort. I'm concerned about ocean acidification and climate change in general. I'm interested in how communities work, from physical and economic structures to decision-making, to arts, culture, and beliefs. I'm interested in how change happens on small and grand scales and from time to time try to help make it happen. I suspect if I wrote fiction it would be science fiction, though I'm not an aficionado (more an admirer). I believe the class system is unjust, but am doubtful of planned economies and utopias in general (though I'm emotionally attracted to utopias). I think I could write some really good songs and have written several fairly good ones. I wonder why I don't do this more. I want to direct. I don't take much for granted, at least not consciously. I'm a working parent with a life partner. I've heard that Aries start their sentences with "I" more than most people.
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2 Responses to September 10 – 12

  1. Helen says:

    But everything turned out okay. Honey. Eater.

  2. hchiron says:

    I like the mix – going from the terrifying (Miren falling down the stairs) to the mundane (friends late) to the slightly disturbing and maybe-symbolic (wineglass breaking) to the honey. I like the leaps. It’s a good Rosh Hoshanah poem too, of course. Having a sweet year. Sometimes the intentions for sweetness get mixed up right away with the painful, frightening and disappointing, right? (That’s where my mind goes, anyhow…)

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